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Post  Snathan Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:14 pm

~Last Updated 6th August 2008~

Please read these rules. I've put a lot of time into writing them, the least you can do is read them.

Age Limit
The age limit is officially 11+, although if you join and are younger than that, but act as maturely as a 11+ person would, then nothing here will bother you. The rules here will be inforced, so if you are under 13, there is nothing to worry about. We intend to keep this a safe community.
We are giving the previlage of younger users being able to join, but they will be treated with the same dicipline as everyone else.

No Spamming
Spam is a Stupid Pointless Annoying Message. It can be like this:


Or different. If it isn’t adding to the topic, then don’t post it.

This includes double posting, which is posting immediately after your first post, with no other posts in between. This is ok under certain circumstances, but ask yourself whether it’s necessary. If you need to add something to the original post, press edit.

Not too many smilies
Only use as many as you need. Don’t post saying

Great art! alienaffraidpaleSuspectNoEvil or Very Madpig

It's just not neccesary.

We prefer if you talk in proper grammar, rather than txt spk. If u tlk lk ths, it is hrd 2 rd. So don’t do it. It’s also hard to read when you PoSt LiKe ThIs, or Like This All The Time. We’re not gonna ban you for misspelling a word, but try to have good grammar.

No Bumping
Bumping is posting in an old thread. This is ok with a reason, but don't bump old or irrelevent threads, like an old CP update.

No off-topic posting
Post in the right thread or forum. We don’t want you posting about some ducks you saw in your park, if it’s a topic about a TV show.

No advertising
Don’t post links to websites. If you want to advertise your forums or blogs, or something, put the link in your sig.

No Flaming or Swearing
Flaming is basically argueing. Don’t do it, unless it’s a proper debate. We don’t want insults, cussing, swearing going around. This rule is very important, and could get you banned.

Multiple accounts
Only have one account. It just gets confusing otherwise, and we’ll end up banning one.

Backseat modding
This is members acting as staff. Don’t tell people off, just press the report button.

Hacking talk
You cannot talk about hacking programmes, or hackers.

Don't Abuse Features
We've given you guys some feature which other forums don't, so don't abuse them. Things like being able to change your name. Don't do this far from your original name. It would be ok for me to change my name to Snatman, or something, but not Lemur King, because that'd be very confusing.

No innapropriate talk/images
This will not be tollerate, and will lead you straight into the hard end of my banhammer.

This forum uses infractions. If you get an infraction, it means you have violated the rules in some respect. Different rules will give you different amounts of infractions. If you get to 5, you get banned. It can be from anything from a day, to permanently.
The Lemur King
The Lemur King

Male Number of posts : 101
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-07-31

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