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Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some?

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Awesome or Poorsome?

Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Vote_lcap40%Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Vote_rcap 40% 
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Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Vote_lcap60%Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Vote_rcap 60% 
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Total Votes : 5

Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Empty Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some?

Post  Snathan Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:52 pm

Commence rhyming:P

I thought it was poorsome. They brought back way too much. The black mask and the ghost sheet would've been fine, but they also brought back the clown costume, bumble bee suit and the fairy outfit. And other than the clown one, most people didn't like them. All that was new was the frankenstein outfit, which was pretty bad. They could've done something cool, like a pumpkin head, but I found it very dissapointing.

What do you think?
The Lemur King
The Lemur King

Male Number of posts : 101
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Registration date : 2008-07-31

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Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Empty Re: Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some?

Post  Matty Matt Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:20 pm

Snathan wrote:Commence rhyming:P

I thought it was poorsome. They brought back way too much. The black mask and the ghost sheet would've been fine, but they also brought back the clown costume, bumble bee suit and the fairy outfit. And other than the clown one, most people didn't like them. All that was new was the frankenstein outfit, which was pretty bad. They could've done something cool, like a pumpkin head, but I found it very dissapointing.

What do you think?

Get Over It.
Its better than then bringing back a whole catalog with nothing new in it. Correct me if im wrong but the fairy outfit is new. There are 8 new clothing items in the catalog. Stated by Hamustar, Club Penguin Staff. So if your so disappointed quit. Btw, im telling everyone this exact same thing because they act like the ned more items.
Matty Matt
Matty Matt

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Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Empty Re: Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some?

Post  Snathan Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:54 pm

Matty Matt wrote:
Snathan wrote:Commence rhyming:P

I thought it was poorsome. They brought back way too much. The black mask and the ghost sheet would've been fine, but they also brought back the clown costume, bumble bee suit and the fairy outfit. And other than the clown one, most people didn't like them. All that was new was the frankenstein outfit, which was pretty bad. They could've done something cool, like a pumpkin head, but I found it very dissapointing.

What do you think?

Get Over It.
Its better than then bringing back a whole catalog with nothing new in it. Correct me if im wrong but the fairy outfit is new. There are 8 new clothing items in the catalog. Stated by Hamustar, Club Penguin Staff. So if your so disappointed quit. Btw, im telling everyone this exact same thing because they act like the ned more items.

I semi-quit a while ago. : I have got over it, but this is CP discussion, is it not? Razz
The Lemur King
The Lemur King

Male Number of posts : 101
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-07-31

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Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Empty Re: Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some?

Post  7Styl3 Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:33 pm

Its ok catalog. I like some of old and new item. The bg is ok though.
Forumer Of The Week
Forumer Of The Week

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Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Empty Re: Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some?

Post  Fair Factor Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:52 pm

I have to say, they could have done 15 times better. They need to come up with more stuff, even if it's just recolors.

I voted Poor...some XD
Fair Factor
Fair Factor

Male Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2008-08-29

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Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some? Empty Re: Halloween Catologue. Awesome or Poor..some?

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